Teenagers face enormous risks ranging from violence and substance abuse to teen pregnancy and school failure.Yet seldom do professionals seek to enlist the group that can best, and most wants to help: parents. Below is an excerpt from a recent research synthesis that suggests ways parents can support positive adolescent development.
The 5 basics of Parenting Adolescents
1. Love & Connect. Teens need relationships with parents that offer support and acceptance while accommodating and affirming the teen’s increasing maturity. Most things about their world are changing. Don’t let your love feel like one of them.
2. Monitor & Observe. Teens need parents to be aware of—and let teens know they are aware of—their activities and relationships, through a process that uses less direct supervision and more communication, observation, and networking with other adults. Monitor your teen’s activities.You still can, and it still counts.
3. Guide & Limit. Teens need a clear but evolving set of boundaries, maintaining important family rules and values, but encouraging increased competence and maturity. Loosen up, but don’t let go.
4. Model & Consult. Teens need ongoing family support around decision making, values, and goals in order to interpret and navigate the larger world.Teach by example and through ongoing dialogue. Parents still matter and teens still care.
5. Provide & Advocate. Teens need parents to provide not only adequate nutrition, clothing, shelter, and health care, but also a supportive home environment and a network of caring adults. You can’t control their world, but you can add to and subtract from it. By: State: Connecticut State Department of Education - Education.com
Do anyone of you here plans to invest for new business? Are you one of those people who wanted to start a new operating business in your town? Well, if you are better take sometime first to plan over as to what type of business you want to start. It could be a compauter, a gold shop where you need to buy gold coins first before you set-up your store, or a printing shop for cards (business card, greeting card, etc). Make sure that this business will definitely click in the current market you had.
Double check if this business will be useful for people around you where in the long run they can benefot from it too. Likewise, consider the topography of the land (place where you will put up your business) for you to have a clearer picture of your business plan.
Consider all the factors that might be beneficial in your plan business so that you won't be in trouble in case emergency arises. If you all set the things you need for your plan business you need to consider now your tie-up companies who will provide all the raw materials you need. Let say, you opt to invest on golds then you may consider United States Gold Bureau as your gold and bullion provider as they are one of the best and known provider on the said products.
But if you consider computer shop business then you have to find a reliable company who will provide you all the compauter softwares you need. Make sure that the company you consider is indeed a reliable one. Do have a vendors evaluation checklist in order to double check the credebility of the companies you want to work with.
So, for those of you who might want to buy gold krugerrands for personal use aside on business plans you may do so. Just visit the site of United States Gold Bureau 'cause they do have this type of gold. For new business comers, better pan ahead of time and do have a strategic planning before putting up your business.
Values are a reflection of who we are, of our culture and of our own unique heritage. Being clear about our values enables and empowers us to establish priorities and make decisions that we can live with and by. What we learn from our families in childhood builds character and serves us throughout our lives. Families guide personal growth and education, while offering love and protection. When families are strong, our neighborhood is strong, our nation is strong and we can be more hopeful about the future.
Values have influence at every stage of making a choice. Values shape what we believe and perceive. They influence our goals, the alternatives we select and the ranking of these alternatives.
What Are Values?
Values are a part of our experience that affects our behavior. They encompass our attitudes, the standards for our actions and our beliefs. Values are often learned from family, culture and people around us. In addition, values tell others what is important to us and guide our decision making. We use our resources - time, money and brain power - on the things we value.
Characteristics of Positive Values Within Families
Many of our family ideals, beliefs, behaviors or "values" are merely habits of thinking or behaving. Sometimes this is because we do not know any other way or because we have not stopped to think about the motives or reasons for the things we think, say or do. Identifying and communicating the values of the family can . . .
* Be helpful in making personal decisions.
* Become a guide for self-empowerment.
* Help manage time, energy and resources to the fullest.
* Help one to know oneself better.
* Help eliminate some of the confusions in life.
* Help formulate a desired system of values.
* Help one to act or behave in accordance with their values.
* Help one to better understand and respect others who have different values.
Values are critical in building character and increasing an overall sense of well-being. Positive values within families...
* Promote honesty, integrity, commitment and loyalty.
* Encourage respect for self and others and tolerance of differences.
* Require being responsible and accountable for your actions, while practicing selfcontrol.
* Teach fairness and treating people equally.
* Require consideration, kindness, compassion and generosity toward others.
* Foster being a good citizen who appreciates doing things which make life better for self and for other people.
Preschool Children
Younger children are concerned with being good people. Being good means seeing the difference between right and wrong - and then doing what's right! Being good is about being brave. It's about doing what's right when it costs more in friends, money, toys or treats than we want to pay. Doing the right thing consistently is hard for anyone - but especially this age group.
Elementary Children
Young children need to know how to act and how not to act. They need to have clear instructions - not conflicting messages from family members and others in their lives. Through the many interactions between school-age children and others around them, the child learns what is acceptable, and what is not. Much of what this age group values will be played out at school, on the playground and through other interactions with their peers.
Middle/Junior High Adolescents
Adolescents begin to act on the values that have been established during their earlier years. Goals and decisions are made based upon influential people in their lives. Because peers become a strong force during the adolescent period, strong positive values are critical in making positive choices that bring positive consequences.
Senior High Teens
Teenagers have a need to spread their wings while having limits with independence. Finding the balance can be tricky. Too much control by adults can lead to rebelling and poor choices just to get some freedom. Too much freedom leads to feeling overwhelmed - having too much power before they are ready for it. With an overabundance of freedom, some teens can begin to think that no one cares what kind of person they become. Role models who promote and support positive values and can be influential to this age group.
Adults within the family give children people to identify with, examples to learn from, values and traditions to uphold, and a support system to turn to in times of need. It is not enough to set a good example but adults must live by these examples. Valuing oneself and others is a powerful model. In addition to how we treat family members, it includes how we treat others as adults, and how we treat and talk about others outside the family. It has to do with how we lead our lives.
Values are the important "internal compasses" that guide people in developing priorities and making choices. Although the internalization of values takes place over time, the groundwork is laid from the first day of life. The foundation of character building begins during infancy and slowly evolves through childhood and adolescence, all the while becoming more sophisticated and complex. People do not suddenly become honest and responsible when they become teenagers or adults. The development of these values is a long process that entails many interactions between children and adults.
What do you value?
Family Activity
Values are very important and personal. The point of this exercise is for you to determine what you actually value - not what you think you ought to value. Here are a list of values. Look them over and circle all that seem important to you. If something is important to you that you do not see on the list, write it down in the spaces provided at the bottom. Then try ranking your top five values in order of importance, 1 to 5. Ask all family members to complete this activity. Discuss your top five values. This will provide a forum to discuss common values within the family unit.
By: Brenda J. Thames, Ed.D., CPCS, Extension Program Development Specialist|Deborah J. Thomason, Ed.D., Extension Family & Youth Development Specialist Clemson University Public Service Publishing - Education.com
Our children are becoming more competent and independent. They spend much of their time away from our supervision. They need recognition of their developing maturity, and at the same time, they are still children, and require our protection, guidance, and discipline. To set effective limits we must remember both sides of this balance.
The best chance we have of establishing effective rules is through discussion with our adolescents about what is going on in their lives, how able they feel to take responsibility for themselves, and what we as parents need to require for our own peace of mind.
Some rules are "bottom line," and are different from family to family. We make them because life without them would be unbearable. These rules usually include knowing where kids are if they are not at home, not allowing them to talk back to us, and strict rules about aggression or violence toward others.
Other issues, like allowances, curfews, chores, and homework require a different amount of flexibility, depending on how responsible the child is. Education is important to every parent, and we want our children to succeed in school. Unfortunately, as they gain maturity, we may lose some control about how much homework gets done and the quality of the work. To keep ourselves sane and to avoid constant bickering, rules about homework and school performance should be firm and consistent.
The best way to come up with those rules is to discuss school, homework and future goals with your teen. If they understand why you worry about their school performance, and can identify the benefits that school success will have for them, you are over one major hurdle. One way that teens decide whether we are truly interested in their lives, is by judging how involved we are with activities important to them.
Many of us make the crippling assumption that our teens aren't willing to share their world with us, which is usually not the case. If we remember to encourage our teens to tell us about things, they will usually comply. Asking a closed ended question like "how was school today?" is sure to get the response, "fine." Asking if you can help with a Biology project may open many other doors.
If you cannot get answers from your child about school, expectations and performance, do not be afraid to call the school and talk to the administrative, counseling, or teaching staff. They are frequently willing to work with you and your child to enhance his or her education and achievement. By: Palo Alto Medical Foundation- Education.com
The vast competition of several types of industry nowdays is pretty much increasing to the extend that every companies has dealt with several consultants to improve and increase their margin in the market in order for them to identify the appropriate value of their existing products and services.
Obviously, it actually matters on the way they market their business and as to what type of approached they need to dispatch. As well as competitive key personnel who will look over into each corner of the business itself.
Just to cite a specific business, let the field of gold bars be the topic to discuss. We know that gold is everywhere. Well established providers are known and starting once are creating their names in the market industry where they keep updating for the advancement of their products and services.
Well, for new inestors out there you need to consider first what type of business you want to set up and make sure that you have all the knowledge to start over your very own business. Keep in mind that the key to success is perseverance, knowledge and patience.
Approach to Learning
Does the school have a particular approach to teaching and learning (e.g., group projects, individual performance, frequent testing)?
If yes, do you think your child will enjoy and learn from this approach?
Does the school do all it can to make sure each child learns? Does it provide opportunities for children to get extra help when they need it?
Is the school staff able to communicate in the language that your child understands?
Are children with limited English language skills, learning disabilities, or other special needs learning and performing well on tests?
What is the homework policy? Does it match your expectations for how much homework your child should do?
Do you want your child to go to a singlesex (all-boy or all-girl) school, or a coeducational school?
How large are the classes?
Academic Performance
How do the school's test scores compare to those of other schools? (Check the school's report card if it is a public school or ask for information from the school if it is a private school. See 'Parent Tip' on school report cards.)
In the past few years, have test scores risen or declined?
How does the school explain the rise or decline? How well have children similar to yours performed on these tests?
How do students moving on to the next level of schooling perform in their new schools?
How many students leave the school before completing the last grade?
What special achievements or recognition has the school received?
Behavior Policy
What does the school do to help develop character and citizenship?
What is the discipline policy? How does the school handle students who misbehave?
Are teachers fair in their responses to students? Does the school have a program and supports to prevent and address behavior problems?
Are students allowed to leave school by themselves?
What measures has the school taken to ensure safety? What security measures are in place?
What is the policy on school absences? How does the school encourage daily attendance?
Do school personnel call parents when students are absent?
Does the school have a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program?
Does the school have a dress code?
Do students wear uniforms?
Is the school safe?
How does the school prevent and handle problems with drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
How does the school prevent and handle violence, bullying, harassment, and other forms of abusive behavior?
What measures does the school take to ensure safety? What security measures are in place?
What is the school's relationship with the local police?
Is there a police officer on duty during school hours and for extracurricular activities?
What information is available on serious crime in the school?
What information is available on students bringing weapons to school?
Does the school have an emergency plan for local and national emergencies?
What does the school do to ensure that parents and all school administrators know the emergency plan?
Are there drills?
How does the school notify parents about emergency closings? How does the school communicate with parents in other languages?
Special Offerings
What extracurricular activities does the school offer after school or on weekends?
Do all students have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities?
What interscholastic activities are available to students?
What intramural activities are available to students?
What activities receive the most attention and resources?
Are there school and student publications?
Does the school sponsor field trips?
Are they available to all students?
Are publications for parents available in other languages?
Facilities and Services
Is there a well-stocked library where students can check out books and do research? Are reading materials available in other languages?
Is there interlibrary loan?
Is time provided in the day for students to go to the library?
Do students have access to computers and to the Internet in the classroom and library?
Is use of the Internet monitored?
Is there an auditorium or a large room for school assemblies?
Is a school nurse on duty daily?
Is there a cafeteria, and does the school offer a nutritionally well-balanced lunch program? Breakfast program?
Is supervised before- and afterschool care offered?
Are there tutoring programs?
Are counseling services available to students?
Is the school accessible to children with mobility limitations?
Admissions Procedures for Public Schools of Choice and Private Schools
Is there an application process?
What is the application deadline?
Is anything else required in the application (test scores, interview, recommendations, application fees, etc.)?
Are test scores required for admission?
What are the ranges of scores for admitted students?
Do admissions requirements include a portfolio, an audition or statement of interest?
Are there any other admissions requirements?
Are admissions requirements published in languages other than English? By U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement - Education.com
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No one knows better than a parent that children differ in so many ways. Kids may look alike and know the same jokes, but they are not made from a single recipe. For that reason, no single recipe can tell teachers how kids should learn, right? That's why a teaching method called "differentiated education" can spice up the classroom.
Picture an orchestra. Each section is made up of many musicians. All the musicians are grouped according to their strength--their instrument--and all the groups make up one larger unit--the orchestra. The musicians have the same objective--to play the song. But to make the song complete, each section plays a different part.
At the head of the symphony is the conductor, who starts everyone off and keeps the musicians on tempo. During the song the conductor keeps watch and directs each section as needed. Sometimes the violins need more attention, and at other times, the cellos. Each section receives the guidance it needs when it's needed most.
That's the idea of differentiated education (D.E.). Teachers guide individual students toward goals at the rate and intensity they require. This is important because research tells us that intelligence has many levels.
Humans think, learn, and create in different ways. The amount of information we understand is affected by the match we make between what we learn and how we learn. And intelligence can change. If you stimulate your kids' brains in the ways they learn best, they'll grow!
It's a fact that vigorous learning changes the makeup of the brain. And the brain learns best when it can come to understand things by making its own sense out of information, rather than just memorizing or repeating. That's why D.E. is so important for kids.
Marching to a Different Drummer
First, let's talk about what D.E. is not. D.E. is not a recipe for learning. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It tells teachers how to teach, not what to teach.
It's not about learning styles, although to have it, teachers must pay attention to individual needs. D.E. is not individualized instruction, either, which would require a different lesson plan for every student. Instead, D.E. asks teachers to use a lesson plan that is fair for all students and their individual learning styles, instead of teaching to a middle ground and hoping for the best.
Basically, D.E. means "shaking up" what goes on in the classroom. It gives students many options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. Teachers can shake up the class by teaching small groups or individual students based on readiness, interest, or experience. Your child could be in one group for math (based on her readiness) and another for reading (based on the book she chooses).
Teachers can also use "tiered activities," where they teach all students the same concepts but allow kids lots of different ways to approach them. Teachers also ensure that a student competes against himself as he grows more than he competes against other students.
Turn the Beat Around
The only real problem with D.E. is that it's so hard to define. Most people who use it, however, agree that D.E. is:
* Proactive, using methods like hands-on projects.
* More about the quality of learning than the quantity of learning.
* Aimed at offering many ways to the content, process, and products of learning.
* Student-centered, instead of class-centered.
* A blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction.
* Based on broad concepts, not facts.
Creating Harmony
If D.E. is hard to define, it's even harder to ask teachers to use. Still, every day more and more teachers are finding out how important it is for kids, and are putting it to work in their classrooms.
They are teachers who work hard to do whatever it takes to make sure that struggling and advanced learners, kids with different cultural heritages and children with different background experiences grow as much as they can each day, each week and throughout the year.
Find out if your kids' teachers are using it, and if they're not, ask why. Traditional schools are designed for students who think using logic and reasoning rather than discovery and creativity. However, researchers believe this type of learning fits only one-quarter of the population. D.E. can be a great way to teach the remaining 75 percent of kids who aren't being reached in traditional classrooms.
How can you tell if your child's teacher is differentiating education? First, you could ask. Second, talk to your children about what they do all day. If teachers are using D.E., you should hear about:
* Hands-on projects that let kids investigate and discover.
* Discussions and projects that last for long periods of time and link many subjects. For example, a class might study food chains throughout an entire marking period, including them in science, social studies art and English.
* Kids learning why and how instead of just gathering facts.
Group projects.
* Lots of options for students to show what they learn, like writing papers, giving presentations, or creating projects.
Urge teachers to pay attention to students' unique needs. Offer ideas and suggestions. Above all, don't give up! Your kids' excitement about learning will be music to your ears. By Lisa Hayes - EduGuide - Education.com
Investing is one of the most recommended subject if you want to increase your profit month by month. It's actually a process where you buy or invest a specific item were in the coming days, months and years the value of the said item you bought or invest will definitely cost you higher than the amount you paid the time you owe the said item.
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Good thing about investing is you increase your capital item in no time with just a minimal action done. Lets say you also invest in the stocks item. Expect that the said money you release for the said investment will definitely grow according to the profit margin of the stocks you invest. Awesome right? So, why don't you guys try to invest a specific item? I guess, it would help you better in terms of financial needs. Check it out!
Your children are so different – they each have very different talents, skills, and personalities so it can seem natural to give them labels. For example, one child may be the “smart one” or the “artist” or the “troublemaker”. Although it is easy to give your kids labels, they can be hard for children.
Downsides of Labels
When kids are given negative labels they often feel that parents don’t expect or want them to change. They may feel that they should live up to their negative labels. For example:
* The “messy child” may see no reason to try to be neat and tidy when his parents have already clearly defined his role in the family.
* The “troublemaker” may feel that any attempt to be good will be ignored.
* The “wild child” may think that he or she might as well continue to do crazy things because parents expect it.
* Even positive labels can be problematic as children may feel pressure to meet their parents’ expectations, and often feel guilty that their parents seem to like them more than a brother or sister. For example:
Janet, the “good student” in a family, may be very upset when she doesn’t get the top grade on a test. She may feel depressed and unhappy that she is not meeting her parents’ expectations. She may also feel sorry and embarrassed for her siblings because their parents aren’t as proud of them.
Siblings’ labels also impact a child’s view or himself or herself. For example:
* Sara’s brother is the “musical” child, so Sara may feel she should not be interested in music because she can never be as good as her brother. This means that Sara could lose out on the joy of playing an instrument just because she thinks her brother will always play better than she.
Avoiding Labels
* Remember that each child is unique and has the ability to do many things and act in many different ways.
* Focus on the child’s actual behavior without giving him or her a general label. For example, getting into trouble a lot does not make a child “bad”.
* Focus on the positives. For example, if your child, who always seems to be running late, gets to the dinner table on time, be sure to praise him for being on time.
* Realize that children may be born with certain personality traits, but as a parent you can influence them to behave and act differently and not lock them into particular roles.
* Don’t let children lock themselves into roles- encourage children to try things they are interested in, even if a sibling is more talented. By: Amanda Kowal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor - Education.com
To help your child, and yourself, help him release the feelings that wake him up
This is easier to do during the day than at nighttime, so a good strategy to try first is to listen to your child's feelings of upset when they arise during the day. Listen when you're sure that the issue he's crying about doesn't involve hunger. Simply get close, say loving things to him, offer warm eye contact and gentle touch, and let him cry until he feels better.
Children pick lots of little pretexts to open the door to releasing feelings. They will cry about a shirt being put on over their heads, about having a shampoo, about you moving six steps away to do the dishes, or about how their mittens don't fit into their coat sleeves quite right. When a big cry begins, stay close, be interested in all the feelings they have, and don't try to fix the little thing that upset them. Just hear how they feel about it for as long as you can.
When children feel you listening, they often cry harder. Your loving attention is reassuring enough to let them tackle big feelings of fear and grief. It will take courage on your part to trust that your child knows what he’s doing as he cries that hard with your support. You’ll see good results afterward. A passionate cry in your arms will help your child relax, trust you, and see the world as a safer place. All he needs is for you to be close and confident that all is well.
If daytime listening isn’t enough to ease night waking, listen at night
For nighttime work on fears, here are the measures that work very well. You may need to take a week to set things up so you can get an extra nap during the day, or buy earplugs for the rest of the family, or warn the people in the apartment next door (earplugs for them might be a thoughtful touch).
* When your child wakes the first time, go to him and turn on a low light so he can see you and see that he's safe. Make close physical and eye contact.
* Tell him it's OK to go back to sleep, and it's not time to nurse or have a bottle or come into bed with you right now. Tell him that all is well. "I’m right here, son." "You're safe as safe can be." "You have everything you need, darling." “I'm not going to go away." Offer warm touch, but don't bring him into your arms immediately. Keep gently moving him toward lying down again.
* Listen to him cry. If he trembles, writhes away from you, arches his back, shuts his eyes tight, and makes lots of motion, things are going well. Those signs indicate that he's offloading the fears that won't let him or you rest. It looks and sounds awful, but he's using a powerful healing process, one he was born to use, and he'll be able to sleep well afterward. Some children will work on their feelings for a whole hour before they relax and fall fast asleep. As you listen, your child absorbs your love.
* Once he is crying vigorously, you may be able to bring him into your arms and hold him while he cries. After a few moments of crying, many children have grabbed onto the feelings they need to release, and being held by you doesn’t distract them from crying hard. Other children stop crying the moment they are held close. If your child stops crying in your arms, remind him that it's time to go back to sleep, and move slowly toward putting him back to bed. Keep moving until he remembers the feeling he's working through.
* Allow your child to struggle as he offloads his fears. Children working through their fears usually cry without many tears, look terrified as they cry, and struggle constantly, as though they want to get free of your embrace. However, if you let them go, it breaks the safety they need to keep working on the feelings. They don't need to be held tightly. They need to struggle mightily, with you giving them a "corral" in which to act powerfully. The feelings they are working through may be connected to earlier times when they felt both frightened and helpless. They must struggle while they cry, to counteract the memory of being so helpless, and regain their self-respect.
* Remember as you listen that your child has everything he needs. He has you watching over him, he has your warmth, and he is safe right next to you. He can't tell all is well because of feelings inside of him, not because of something lacking in the present moment.
* Allow him to cry until he either is happy to be put back to bed, or until he falls asleep in your arms. This can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on how many feelings have been pressing on him.
* Observe his behavior the next day. Generally, children who get a good chunk of crying done are able to make visible gains in confidence, closeness, and relaxation in the presence of others. Sometimes you'll see gains in their physical skill and courage. Sometimes, after a parent has listened at length for the first time, the child’s instincts say, "At last! They're listening!" and he finds ways to set up another big cry the next morning. If you can listen again, his load will be lightened once more. It might take several listening "sessions" before a child is able to sleep better, but you will see some positive changes in his functioning that will tell you he’s making progress. By: Patty Wipfler - Education.com