Blogging Mania...

Blogging would somehow ease the boredom I feel sometimes. In fact, it is the only friend of mine whom I can truly express my mind, thoughts, and ideas without any complain to all the things I say it to him. Blogging has been part of me as I am part to him. You might ask why Blogs are my friend well in fact, they are those unseen creatures... I know that! But the reason behind why blogs are my friend simply because I could be of who and what I am onto him... I can share everything what I'm thinking, if I'm sad nor happy, if I got an achievements nor failures and everything about me, my family and my inspirations.... Blogging help me realized that the past is worth remembering and worth to be treasured all over again.

Furthermore, I don't know exactly on how long will I blog, how long will share my thoughts, and how long will I stay connected to blogging mania. The only thing I know is that I keep on blogging as long as I exist and as long as I love to share my life, thoughts, and inspirations.... Have a happy blogging everyone!...c",)

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