Importance of Nationalism...

Nationalism is a term that refers to a doctrine Extreme forms of nationalism, such as those propagated by or political movement that holds that a nation—usually defined in terms of ethnicity or culture—has the right to constitute an independent or autonomous political community based on a shared history and common destiny. Most nationalists believe the borders of the state should be congruent with the borders of the nation, fascist movements in the twentieth century, hold that nationality is the most important aspect of one's identity and attempt to define the nation in terms of race or genetics.

Nationalism has had an enormous influence on world history. In modern times, the nation-state has become the dominant form of societal organization. Historians use the term nationalism to refer to this historical transition and to the emergence and predominance of nationalist ideology.

That is what is Nationalism is!... I'm sharing this with you simply because people seem to forget where they came from!. They should bare in mind that they won't be of whatever they are in present if not because of the great contribution of the nation for them. On the other hand, people tend to forget sometimes that being a nationalistic person does not mean that you merely adore your country but I guess, it means that your simply giving it back to the nation of what you owe from them. Be proud of whatever and wherever race you came from!...c",)

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