Wordless Wednesday: Desktop wall paper...

Does the cleanliness of you desktop nor laptop computers really matters? Why and why not? Well, for me it really matters 'cause its one of the factors to consider if the owner of the desktop nor laptop computers is an organized person. Which means to say that he/she has an organized life. People tend to forget some times that their personality merely reflects on how they look, how they dress up , how they use to communicate and respond to others and in general how they are being raised by their parents.

Eventually, I was a bet shock of the desktop wall paper of the computer that I am using right now. Though its quite so cool since its one of the 8 wonders of the Philippines but the wall paper not properly arrange.. Here..

Those this really good? Well, if some of you would like to comment about this then its my pleasure to know about your reaction. I guess, I might prefer that they'll just use a plan color with the name of the internet cafe rather than using this one... Have a nice day everyone!...c",)

Comments (3)


5:35 PM

chocolate hills ? yum yum - happy WW


10:33 PM

are this hills real made out of chocolate ? lol happy ww


9:15 AM

pretty neat wallpaper,/desktop.....nakakarelax.