To start off, what do HSEQ mean? Well, HSEQ literally means “H stand for “HEALTH”, “S” stands for “SAFETY”, “E” stands for “Environment”, “Q” stands for “QUALITY”. Join me as I discover the amazing world of HSEQ life. HSEQ Coordinator was recently assign to my by the General Manager of the said company I am working now. For almost 8 months Justify Fullof patients and hard work as a Junior Operator in Wireline I now have a new job description. I can still remember way back 3 months ago I beg our Senior Operation Manager to transfer me to administrative work. But the time was not good to me ’cause he declined my intention. Fast forward to last week of April this year my immediate Base Manager was helping me out to transfer to the office. This time its now my chance ’cause he allows me to accept the job. Just two days back, I got a prompt information from our General Managers that he wants to talk me. I feel nervous that time ’cause I don't know why he needs to talk to me. I got a lot in my mind, maybe I did something wrong to the LPO’s I did or some other thing pertaining to the task I handle. The final minute arrived and was already in his office to discuss the concerns he have for me. Only then I’ve found out that he was appointing me to handle the “HSEQ Coordinator” position. To my credit, I was really amazed ’cause I never expect that I got the job and this will definitely help to arm me in my career success. Hopefully in the coming days and months I’ll be able to surpassed his expectations on me more than he expect to be.Be as it may, what was actually HSEQ? How important it is in every companies. Basically, as I said above it deals on Health, Safety, Environment and Quality. This basically tackles the entire safety of the in-house employees and customers. Its an ethics were every employee is obliged to follow in order to avoid serious problems at work or even at home. Its a security measures provided to all the involved people in order to rectify serious happenings that might lead to loss of life. Aside from that, promoting sustainable development for the company at large and identify and regularly assess risks while taking the necessary steps to offset and manage these risks with regard to ensuring the health and safety of individuals, industrial activities and preventing major risks, protecting the environment and promoting biodiversity, quality of services provided to customers.
So, wish me luck everyone for this challenged I got! I don’t have any experience to this field but I see my self that I can do better than those people who can. Besides, I want this job and I love this job.