Benefits of Ginger

Nausea- it is often used to ease nausea caused by traveling or pregnancy as well as that due to other causes.

Digestion - it has the ability to calm the stomach, promote the flow of bile, and improve the appetite.

Stomach Cramps caused by wind - it can relieve these, often quicker than any other herbal medicine.

Circulation - it helps to support a healthy cardiovascular system by making platelets less sticky and therefore reducing the likelihood of aggregation (a major factor in atherosclerosis) Much recent work has focused on the use of ginger in circulatory disorders such as Raynauds disease, which is characterised by blue fingers and toes.

Ginger appears to promote blood flow to these areas, which eases the problem.

Rheumatoid arthritis - it has traditionally been used to help inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis. It is also valued for its analgesic action, which may help arthritic conditions.

Cholesterol - studies have suggested that ginger may be useful in keeping cholesterol levels under control, although how this works is not yet understood.

Respiratory infections - it is well known for its warming expectorant action on the upper respiratory tract, and this is why Chinese herbalists have traditionally used ginger to treat colds and influenza.


Pungent oleoresins - these have been identified as the phenylalkylketones, known as gingerols, shogaols and zingerone. The dried root of ginger has been shown to be more potent than the fresh root with regard to shogaol, which is thought to be the most potent of the constituents of ginger.


Anyone with a history of gallstones should consult a medical practitioner prior to use. Short-term use of low levels during the first three months of pregnancy appears to have no adverse side effects. Anyone using anticoagulants should not use ginger.

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