Time was so fast! Summer is coming again! Oh! Well, I was actually waiting for this season as I was about to treat my loved-ones for a family vacations in Cancun. I already had this plan back then when I was still in college. But of course, I can't still afford to treat them all for a family vacation in the said place as I am still a student obviously. But right now, as I have a stable job already and receiving a monthly salary in one of the prestigious gas & oil company here in Abu Dhabi, UAE I told my Mom a week ago that by this coming July I'll be treating them for a vacation in Cancun. My Mom and siblings was really surprised! They never thought that I'll treat them all.
Besides, I want to take a rest too after sometime of working here in Abu Dhabi. My work is really sucks me up! But of course, its part of the job and I was paid to do it. Honestly, I'm tired already for this job and might be resigning next year if God permits. I just really have to be more patient for a couple of months to go as I want to have a 1 year experience for this particular job. Anyway, back to family vacation this summer, I was really hoping that everything goes smoothly. And hopefully, I can bought a gift for them too. Wish me luck everyone!
Comment (1)
6:17 PM
You have rightly said that you should take experience of atleast a year. That will help you to snatch other opportunities.
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