Physical activity is good for children and adults. It strengthens muscles, bones and joints, and it gives children the opportunity to gain confidence while having fun. Children need at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Playing hopscotch, tossing a ball back and forth, and dancing are some good ways for your child to be active. Some children are good athletes, but all need many opportunities to be active, including but not limited to sports.
* Be a physically active role model and have fun with your kids. Adults need at least 30 minutes of daily physical activity.
* Walk with your child at every available opportunity- if possible to school or to the store on errands. Take a family walk after dinner instead of watching tv or playing computer games.
* Plan active weekends. Include biking, hiking, skating, walking or playing ball. Take a trip to the park, skating rink, zoo, or swimming pool.
* Offer to join your child in his/her favorite physical activity, or enroll your child in a group exercise program.
* Include children in active chores such as dog walking, house cleaning, car washing, and yard work.
* Limit inactive behavior such as television watching and computer time. Do physical activity with your kids during commercials, such as marching in place or stretching. This helps reinforce the importance of movement in your child's life.
* Avoid using TV as a child sitter or pacifier. Offer active alternatives to screen time - jumping rope, playing hide-and-seek or running an errand. Children love when you are active with them and involve them in what you do.
* Keep TVs out of children's rooms. Give your children gifts that encourage physical activity-active games, sporting equipment, or a Frisbee.
* Take the President's Challenge as a family. You can track your individual physical activities together and earn awards for active lifestyles at
* Talk with your schools about ways to incorporate noncompetitive physical activity during the day
Clean environment is indeed important for us to have a healty and safe lifestlye away from any harmful diseases that may 'cause severel illnesses and possibly death. Specifically, our own house must be equipped with the cleaning materials needed to obtain a free from diseases and a clean & safe place to live in.
As most observed even if we clean our backyard and our house everyday we could not avoid those small insects like cockroach, bugs, flies and some other pest that somehow irritates us as we do our thing at house. For that, in order to avoid those mention insects at home you need to secure this Houston Pest Control to officilliay eliminate those irritating bugs and the likes.
Pest control is the only way to remove all of them in our comfort house. Isn't it annoying that while sleeping some bugs and rats are also playing and running around our bed? Isn't it disgusting that while cooking some flies and cockroach are flying on your cook food?
So, for those of you who wants to secure this pest contro better take sometime now to browse the web and find the best and reliable pest control companies that are near in your place. But if you haven't find one yet consider this Houston pest control as they are among of the leading one in the said business.
It’s a typical kind of resort that caters mostly to Filipinos. Definitely frayed about the edges, even a tad decayed. There’s supposed to be three swimming pools, but only one of them has got any water in it.
The accommodation is bungalows of varying sizes, obviously as it caters to Filipinos there’s plenty of family rooms. Some are airconditioned and some might even have tv in the rooms, even cable TV.
There’s a restaurant that serves only Filipino short-order food at quite keen prices for a resort, though portions are small. Pork Adobo with rice and salad, plus a Coke, is 70 pesos. beers are 30.
As far as entertainment goes, there’s a 5-peso videoke machine, table tennis, and a pool table. Just don’t hit the balls too hard as they might get lost in the undergrowth. Corkage is 50 pesos. The Loud Music Charge is 200.
Getting Around:
You might get bored, in which case you can go to Lutopan by habal-habal motorbike. Just wait by the side of the road outside the resort for somebody to stop for you. It will take about 2 minutes in the daytime, 5 minutes at night.
There’s about a dozen internet cafes there and a better food than at the resort in the caranderias there. No foreigner-friendly food of course, unless you count the buy 1-take 1 burger stands, some of which, like one or two of the cyber cafes, are open 24 hours.
The restaurant and reception hall are accessible without steps, the cottages and dormitory have one to four steps, I did not check out the interior though. The toilets and showers near the pool area are narrow and difficult to get into, the pools are accessible on a concrete footpath, unfortunately there is no handrailing providing a safe grip getting in and out of the water.
It has a 10 rooms & 200 pax capacity dormitory for accommodations.
This resort lies about 1 1/2 hours from Cebu, drive to Naga, turn right towards Toledo, once you reach Lutopan turn right to Cantabaco.
Contact Information:
Springpark Mountain Resort
Cantabaco, Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines
Telefax: (63-32) 325-2044 (Cantabaco)
Cebu Office: (63-32) 261-9511
Cebu Office fax: (63-32) 262-3851
Sharing meals is an ideal way for the family to spend time together. Whether you're eating at home or eating out on the go, it's important to eat smart.
* Be consistent. Establish a family meal routine, and set times for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Eat together whenever possible.
* Take charge of the foods your children eat. When you serve a meal, your child can choose to eat it or not; but don't offer to substitute an unhealthy alternative when your child refuses to eat what you've served.
* Restrict children's access to the refrigerator and snack cupboards.
* Turn off the tv during meals, and limit kids' snacking when watching TV.
* Serve a vegetable or fruit with every meal and at snack time.
* Reward your kids with praise and fun activities rather than with food.
* Involve your children in meal planning and food preparation. They are more likely to eat what they help to make.
* While shopping and cooking, teach your children about the food groups and the importance of a balanced diet. Throughout the day, choose the types and amounts of foods you need from the five food groups.
* Teach your children how to read food labels and use the 5%-20% guide to Daily Values to make better food choices.
* Limit foods that are high in saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars, and make sure to get enough fiber and calcium.
* Use low-fat cooking methods such as baking, roasting and grilling, and choose healthy fats when you use them, such as olive or canola oils.
* Serve water, low-fat or nonfat milk with and between meals. Only children under two years always need to drink whole milk.
* Teach your children how to make wise food choices away from home-at school cafeterias, restaurants, and vending machines. Teach them to pay attention to both the quality and quantity of their food choices. More food is not always better for them; appropriate portion sizes need to be understood. By: U.S. Department of Education -
Are you one of those people who needs to have a reliable and excellent Depuy Lawsuit to solve your medical related case? Do you need a legal advice from a highly renowened lawyers? Well, if you do then better take sometime now to visit the site of O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath lawyers as they are the one you need and your companion in findinf solution and justice on your case.
No worries if you decide to consult and ask their depuy expertise 'cause they are among of the leading lawyers in present economical society. Their lawsuit services is known to be an extraordinary due to the fact that they win several cases of their customers and clients who came from a different walks of life.
So, if you guys are one of those few people who badly need a legal advice and help from a reputable law firm better take sometime now to visit their site and book your consultation date to further discuss your case. Keep in mind that you have to state all the truth in case for them to find out as to how find a solution on your case. Good luck!
Healthy Choices Start With You!
* Help your children develop healthy eating habits at an early age. Nutritious food is something to enjoy. It helps children grow strong and gives them energy.
* Set an example for active living by moving with your kids. Your kids pay attention to you, they really do!
* Teach your children that good health depends on the right balance between what they eat and how much they move.
It's never too late! Small steps make a big difference.
The keys to healthy eating are variety, balance and moderation. Be sure your family eats a variety of foods, including plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grain products. Also include low-fat and nonfat dairy products, lean meats, poultry, fish and legumes (lentils and beans). Drink water to quench your thirst, and go easy on the salt, sugar and saturated fat.
Good nutrition should be part of an overall healthy lifestyle that also includes regular physical activity. To maintain weight, both kids and adults must balance the calories they eat with the calories they burn through physical activity. If you eat more calories than you use up in physical activity, you gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you use up, you lose weight. Make a commitment to helping your family eat sensibly and move more often.
Here are some tips for healthy eating to help you get started.
* Try to keep track of your children's meal/snack and physical activity patterns so you can help them balance the amount and types of food they eat with the amount of physical activity they perform.
* Encourage your family to eat at least 5 servings of brightly colored vegetables and fruits a day. You can start the day with 100% fruit or vegetable juice. Slice fruit on top of cereal. Serve salad with lunch and an apple as an afternoon snack. Include vegetables with dinner.
* Leave the candy, soft drinks, chips and cookies at the store. Substitute them with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and low-fat or nonfat milk products. Your child will soon learn to make smart food choices outside your home as well.
* Serve children child-sized portions, and let your child ask for more if still hungry. Don't force children to clean their plates. Try measuring food items to learn to estimate the amount of food on a plate.
* Choose a variety of foods. No single food or food group supplies all the nutrients in the amounts that you need for good health. If you plan for pizza one night, balance your meal with salad, low-fat or nonfat milk and fruit. By: U.S. Department of Education -
Its been a year now I have been blogging to some stuff I love. In fact, I never mind about Page Rank ’cause honestly, I don’t know what was it all about. So, until right now my own site has no Page Rank yet! But as I came across in monetizing my blog I came to know that you could get much opportunities from all the advertiser whose looking for bloggers whose blogs are more established and who do have a higher Page Rank. It made me confused at first why? So, I browse to some site that will bring me to better understand what Page Rank is! One of the site is basically which mainly provide the PageRank of each site around the world wide wibe.
Page Rank is a family of algorithms for assigning numerical weightings to hyperlinked documents (or web pages) indexed by a search engine. Its properties are much discussed by search engine optimization (SEO) experts. The PageRank system is used by the popular search engine Google to help determine a page’s relevance or importance. It was developed by Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin while at Stanford University in 1998. That’s how important page rank is in each site. It is then I’ve realized that to gain and increase your Page Rank your site must be cached and indexed at, must have higher traffics, visitors, readers, and specially quality articles which enables your visitors to come back and read some more useful postings.
Though it takes you a lot of effort, time and knowledge to have a Page Rank but if you wish to be at the top you must have to work on to get some better improvements and gain a credit from it. Here are some useful ways on How to gain and increase your Page Rank which basically I do it too.
* Quality Articles. If you write and blog for some topics that may interest you make sure that your visitors and readers could get some useful contents on it. It might be about reviews, perception or based on personal experience better stress the idea of your article for them to understand better cause it is were quality articles could be based upon.
* Track back Links. In the world of blog sphere, theres a lot of bloggers who are looking for exchange links for them to also increase their score. If someone tries to exchange links with you accept it. Its a track back links which enables your site to be seen by other bloggers in the blog sphere world. Aside from that, have time to have a blog hopping by your self and leave them a message/comment with your site address that will also give a credit of your homepage.
* Submit your Blog(s). At Blog Top Sites, it will greatly help to increase your readers or even just a visitors that counts already! Though I’m not pretty sure there would be a lot of readers that will come and visit your site but by submitting it will really give you a chance to increase your traffic. You just need to follow the directions that they give you.
* Monetize Your Blog(s). By monetizing your blog it allows your site to generate more traffics even just from an advertiser. Aside from that, you will also gain a revenue from it. Just continue to make a quality articles to the best of your abilities.
Blog what you love to read, to do, and everything under the sun as long as you enjoy. But bear in mind to avoid criticism to other sites. Though it’s not bad to give a contractive criticism rather than a destructive one. Those where just some of the ways which I think will greatly help to gain and increase your Page Rank. Let us now break a leg in the world wide web!
Buying gold is one of the best investment to have 'cause in-case of financial emergencies you can pawn it to jewelry pawn shop or to your friends in ex-change for money in order for you survive. Well, actually we do have a lot of choices aside from pawning it to your friends or pawnshop. You can even sell if you want or you may barter it for some goods you need. It actually depends on the needs you need.
Buying gold is actually a matter of choice. It doesn't mean that if somebody owes a gold from a gold company you need to buy too for yourself. Its not that! Every person has a chance to decide for whats best for them. Every person has a freedom to choose and buy all the thing he/she want.
So, no need to worry if you decide not to buy gold. But mind you, the best thing about buying gold is your free from financial crisis and saves your money for the future through investing gold. So, if you guys wants to buy gold for some personal purposes better take sometime now to visit the site of United States Gold Bureau 'cause they are the leading provider for the said products. With them, you'll definitely owe what you invest for the future!
While going on an eating binge by snacking on unhealthy foods will only lead to an expanding waistline, having healthy snacks during the day will keep you fit — mentally and physically. Here’s how…
- If you find long gaps of time between your meals, it’s time to include a few snacks in your diet. Snacking will keep your hunger levels to a minimum and also won’t let your body feel like you’re depriving it of food.
- Healthy snacks are great for controlling blood sugar levels especially in people who have problems in maintaining them. Snacking improves blood sugar control by providing a ready stream of carbohydrates.
- By supplying your body regularly with snacks throughout the day, you also give your body an energy boost and help you maintain your weight. Since you automatically eat lesser during regular meal times because of smaller snacks during the day, you will help your metabolism, and digest food faster.
- By opting for healthier options like fruits, salads, yogurt, health and whole wheat grains instead of junk food like fries, chips or calorie laden cookies, you stock your body with a lot of essential vitamins and nutrients. Not only are they great sources of energy, but also provide fibre that helps cleanse the body.
- In children, healthy snacking increases and builds their immune systems. While not all kids will be enthusiastic in having juices, fresh fruits, salads, nuts, curd and cheese, make it a habit early on so that they’re used to the snacks. French fries, candy bars and cookies are high in fats and sodium and can drain out your child. The Times of India
I was actually engaged on blogging way back year 2006. But I been to serious blogging way back year 2007. Never had an idea yet that blogging can really help me to earn a living not just for my own but for my family too. Never thought before that I can even make an article were hundreds and thousand if not millions and billions of people all over the globe can read it. Reading their feedbacks and opinions about what I love to write is pretty amazing.
It helps me realized that there are people out there who are seem to be curious to others life. People who are looking for satisfaction in which in their very own selves they could not find it. It makes me conclude that even in my simply thoughts and perceptions I influence them. I'm not actually a professional writer nor a professional expert on elaborating feedbacks and opinions to few subject matters and things. I'm just an ordinary people who share what I know and what I believe is certain. I might be wrong on my perceptions but mind you, its my opinion.
Through more than 1 year of serious blogging there's a lot of things and lessons I learn which help me realized that blogging is one of the serious things that must not be taken forgranted. What are those? Well, to elaborate the few key points I've learn is...
* PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE. On my early months of serious blogging I really started on scratch. Yes I did! I may not be a successful and professional blogger but I really am! And I guess, every bloggers out there really do! My Sis whose my mentor on this amazing stuff taught me things that I need to know about blogging. She introduce me in the blogging world without any anticipation that this will definitely twist my way of living. As I keep on browsing and indulging my self to this stuff I came to know that through my words and opinions I can earn out on my blogs. There I came to realized that earning out on blogs is wasn't easy. There came a time that my blogs are rejected. It really feels bad! Some people say that I my English is quite poor. Really feels bad! But I never stop. I keep doing what I love to do. I keep writing what I love to share. In other words, I never let them fulls me down. 'Cause I believe, "if they can, why can't I"... I can do better than them. The only spice I had is PATIENCE.
* PATIENCE TO EARN. Blogging nowadays is not new already. Several people like me are engaged into this stuff for one single purpose and that is to earn. I pity those people who are saying that they are just blogging without engaging on monetizing their blogs. ('Cause if you do "Get Lost"...explains it all...). For that, if you wanna earn out on your blogs by monetizing it you should be patient to do the daily routine on updating your blogs. If you wanna earn you have to give. Give your time, passion, and knowledge. Blogging is just isn't about personal things. Its more than that! If you wanna earn, be PATIENCE to exert and effort and try to go beyond.
* PATIENCE IS A KEY TO SUCCESS. Its always patience! Absolutely! 'Cause if your determine to success you should be patience. Just like you wanna eat an ice cream but the problem is you don't have your money to buy. So, what will you do? exert and effort and try to look for money. Look for money on legal way to buy an ice cream. So, if you wish to earn bucks out on blogging then you must have to work hard, be patient and be determine to hit your mark. I assure you, your on the right track on blogging world.
Nonetheless, at this point of time I earn buck as what other bloggers do. If they earn Dollars, I am too. Its my source of living. Good luck to those newbies...c",)
Who among of you here that are searching a reliable and excellent provider of gold bar in the web? Are you one of those people who are considering gold bar as an investment? Well, if you do then better grab the chance now to visit the site of United States Gold Bureau 'cause they are the one you been looking for.
They got a wide array of gold coins, silver bullions, gold metals, and some other precious metals which may interest you. You don't actually have to worry if you decide to buy at them online rather than buying in the stores 'cause their products and services has been tested by several consumers already all over the globe.
What's more important for them the satisfaction of their customers who was the main reason why they exist. They make sure that all your sentiments, concerns about their services and products will be answered as soon as possible 'cause what they want is your loyalty that may lead your friends, relatives and family to buy at them too.
So, if you guys are one of those few people who can afford to buy gold coins or gold bullions better visit the site of United States Gold Bureau now and purchase at them online. Rest assures that your ordered item will be delivered right into your door steps.
Considering some important components in a computer system and at the same time one of the least respected - probably because of the huge number of very cheap and poorly made Chinese computer cases that come bundled with PSUs - is the power source unit, also known as the PSU. Many problems may arise if a poor quality or an old PSU decides to take a vacation or simply work at reduced efficiency. There are a number of symptoms that detected early can spare the average computer user a lot of grief and lost time and data. For one thing a failing PSU may leak an overvoltage spike that could fry just about every electronic component inside your PC.
If you can hear unusual noises coming from inside the PSU can mean a number of things: this could be dirty or it could be crawling through its last remaining days, hours or minutes. If the PSU is actually dirty, this can be easily fixed with a can of compressed air. Just blow out all the dust from the PSU and try to see if there are any improvements. Most computer parts are very picky about their desired voltage and amperage, a normal PSU must be able to deliver to each component exactly the needed power, too much or too less could permanently damage the hardware.
The symptoms of an old or terribly dirty power supply unit are that the cooling fan or fans are filled with dust, they are very noisy and are functioning at a reduced speed. If this came with your PSU’s cooling fan, then you can either clean or replace the damaged fan, or if the entire PSU is old, a trip to your favorite hardware supplier may be in order.
The best diet for a healthy heart is a diet low in fatty and sugary foods and rich in fruits and vegetables which are quick foods that require little or no preparation time. They are loaded with important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber and disease fighting antioxidants.
Unsaturated oils (refined oils) help maintain blood cholesterol levels if consumed in recommended quantities. Thus it is advisable to use only 4-5 teaspoons of cooking oil per day and a variety of refined oils should be taken. Select one from each group for your daily cooking purpose. Ratio of both oils should be 1:1. It is advised to use oil from Group A for 15 days and oil from Group B for 15 days or lunch with oil from Group A and dinner with oil from Group B.
Group A: Sunflower / safflower/ corn / soybean
Group B: Mustard / groundnut / olive/ rice bran
High fiber food items like whole cereals [whole wheat flour ( atta ), wheat bran, whole wheat bread, bajra , jowar , oats], whole pulses ( dals with skin, rajmah , chola, kala chana, chowli etc.), leafy vegetables, salad vegetables and whole fruits are recommended.
Good quality protein like egg white, soy, fish chicken and dairy protein (toned/ skimmed cow’s milk and milk products like curds and paneer prepared with cow’s toned milk) is recommended. Oily fish like ravas (salmon), herring, bangda (mackerel), tuna , tarli (oil sardine) and nuts like almonds and walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and found to be beneficial for heart. All these food items are advised in recommended quantities.
It is advised to avoid fatty meats like ham, bacon, yolk of egg, red meat, organ meat, shrimps, lobster, prawns, etc as well as alcohol, aerated drinks, squashes, fruit juices (lack fiber), canned, tinned, processed and preserved foods e.g. tinned fruits, sauces, processed cheese.
Diet for Hypertension
A vegetarian’s diet contains more potassium, complex carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C all of which may have a favourable influence on blood pressure. It can be a great benefit to start lowering your blood pressure naturally.
Calcium: Consume skim / toned milk and milk products (curds and paneer). This milk is low in fat, but very high in Vitamin D and calcium, both of which are known to combat high blood pressure. Calcium can also be found in fish (sardines, salmon, mackerel), nuts, sunflower seeds (unsalted) and green leafy vegetables (beetroot leaves, turnip greens, arbi leaves, chowlai , methi leaves, cauliflower greens, celery leaves, parsley, mint, curry leaves, drum stick leaves and radish leaves). Cereals like ragi (nachni) and whole pulses like kala chana and rajmah , soybean and tofu are also rich in calcium. Spices include hing , ajwain , khas khas , black pepper ( kali mirch ), cumin seeds ( zeera ), coriander ( dhania ), cloves ( laung ) and mustard seeds ( sarson ).
Magnesium: Magnesium rich foods such as pulses and legumes and dark green leafy vegetables are an excellent way to lower blood pressure. Other good sources of magnesium are almonds, walnuts, coriander seeds (dhania ), cumin seeds ( zeera ), ginger, turmeric, plums and mango figs, whole grains, soy products, broccoli, oysters and mackerel. Magnesium has the effect of relaxing the blood vessels which allows the blood to flow easier.
Potassium: Restricting sodium (salt) intake to lower blood pressure appears to work better if accompanied by increasing potassium. Pulses and legumes, soybeans and cereals like bajra , jowar , ragi (nachni), whole wheat flour ( atta ) are good sources of potassium. Spices rich in potassium include coriander seeds ( dhania ), cumin seeds ( zeera ) and methi seeds. Vegetables like potato, sweet potato, yam ( suran ), tomatoes, karela , brinjal, drumstick, green papaya and dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, sarson ka saag , chowlai and coriander leaves are high in potassium. Potassium rich fruits include sweet lime, apricots, amla, bael, cherries, lemon, mango, muskmelon, watermelon, peaches, plums and seetaphal. Coconut water and vegetable soups are also rich in potassium.
Vitamin C: It seems to expand blood vessels and constricted arteries, consequently helping to lower blood pressure. Vitamin C rich foods include strawberries, lime, sweet lime ( mausambi) , orange, guava ( peru ), amla, radish ( muli ) leaves, fenugreek leaves ( methi ), coriander ( dhania ), cabbage, capsicum, green chillies, cauliflower and bitter gourd ( karela ).
Research also shows that eating foods high in fiber, such as oat bran, fruits, and vegetables can significantly reduce high blood pressure, and even improve blood pressure in healthy individuals. Omega-3 fats, typically found in oily fish, garlic and flax seeds are known to have a lowering effect on blood pressure.
Avoid foods like pickles, papads and salted chutneys, biscuits and namkeens, all sauces and soy sauce, cheese, salted butter, margarine, mayonnaise, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, ajinomoto, breads, cakes, pastries, cornflakes, salted chips, nuts, popcorns, bacon, ham, sausages, malted beverages, boost, bournvita, preserved foods and canned foods. By Swati Bhushan, The Times of India
Just a while back lately I been browsing the web to find some cool stuff to buy for my Dad as I am about to head home this coming December for my annual vacation. I'm actually uncertain what to buy fo my Dad 'til now. I ask my Mom what to buy for him but my Mom just replied me that no need to buy him an expensive one as he don't actually want material things. Well, granted that my Dad won't like it but at least I have something to offer for him when I'm opening the cargo I have for everybody. I also ask my Sissy she just to me to buy my Dad some gold coin to add on his coin collections. But I was thinking something else and that was buying him a wallet and I'll put some cash instead of buying those things I've mention.
Well, I'm actually on a delimma right now as I really don't know what to buy for my Dad. Anyway, I still have a lot of time to prepare. I just need to think it over what to buy for him and that in the end he will like it.
For some of you who are also planning to buy gifts for your Dad, I might recommend you to check this United States Gold Bureau 'cause they are one of the leading provider for gold coins. Besides,this will help in case of financial crisis. But of course it depends on your choice. But if your interested to consider this gold coins you may browse the web and find the best dealer in your area. Just make sure that they provide customer services 24/7.
The right diet is the foundation of good health and well-being, says TV nutritionist Gillian McKeith (right). Here she guides us through the four key stages of life — from puberty through to postmenopause — explaining what we need to eat at each to stay happy and healthy.
Puberty, which usually happens in girls between the ages of ten and 16, is an exciting time of transition. You’re becoming a woman – vibrant, intelligent, full of life, ideas and enthusiasm.
There’s no denying that it can be easy to fall into less positive habits as a teen, whether it’s poor eating, giving up on exercise, letting your moods rule you or falling prey to peer pressure and addictive behaviours that you’ll later regret. While we’re all born with certain traits or genetic susceptibilities, we can also make choices to give ourselves the best possible future. The food habits you get into now will lay down the foundations for the future health of your body. I’m talking skin, bones, reproductive health and organ development. These are things which may not be in the forefront of your mind as a teenager, but good habits now will reap rewards over a lifetime.
Essential fats
The omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids are so called because they are vital for cardiovascular, hormone, skin, nail and hair health, energy and brain function. They are found in oily fish, shelled hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds and walnuts, as well as the cold-pressed oils of these nuts and seeds. Eat them every day.
Fruit and veg
Eat five to eight portions a day, including plenty of green stuff. Your five a day should be a bare minimum. A diet high in fruit and vegetables will make you less susceptible to many diseases, because they’re bursting with vitamins, minerals,fibre and antioxidants (which offer protection against many conditions of ageing).
Veggie meals
Have some vegetarian meals each week – animal protein in excess increases your risk of developing many illnesses later on. I am not saying that you should not eat meat, but do vary your diet. Make sure your veggie meals contain protein, so include beans, pulses, quinoa, soya, eggs or cheese.
Whole grains
Choose these rather than white, refined foods – they are much richer in fibre and nutrients. Fibre is important for hormone health, digestive health, blood-sugar balance and cardiovascular health, and it makes you feel fuller, so you’re less likely to overeat.
Drink six to eight glasses of water or herbal tea a day – hydration is important for all aspects of health, both now and in the future. This is a good habit to get into.
One study found that a mild iron deficiency can result when menstruation kicks in if your diet is poor. Foods rich in iron include meat, eggs, fish, poultry, almonds, figs, parsley, watercress, broccoli, kale, oats, lentils, millet, rye and prunes. A good iron-rich breakfast would be porridge with prunes and berries.
Breakfast each day is vital. It boosts thinking power and helps to maintain body weight. Here are some ideas.
* Porridge with shelled hemp seeds, flax seeds or cinnamon.
* Breakfast smoothie made with fruits, avocado, flax oil and soya milk (optional).
* Rye toast with nut butter – try cashew nut or almond butter instead of peanut butter.
* Natural yoghurt with nuts and seeds.
* Sugar-free muesli with rice milk, almond milk or goat’s milk.
* Omelette with plenty of your favourite fresh or dried herbs.
* Fruit salad, which should be followed by one of the other options above.
When it comes to health, the thing most teenage girls worry about is weight. But if I could persuade you to think about health rather than fat, you wouldn’t have to give your weight a second thought – it would take care of itself naturally.
It’s normal for teenage girls to gain some weight – puberty is a period of growth and development. What you need is plenty of nutritious food to grow into your natural body weight. What you should not do is eat too much nutrient-poor junk food, or try to keep your weight down by following crash diets or faddy eating plans. Here are my tips for a healthy body image.
* Educate yourself. Instead of reading about the latest ‘wonder diet’, read up on healthy foods, how to cook and healthy living.
* Forget faddy diets, calorie counting or obsessively weighing yourself. If you eat healthily your body will reward you.
* Learn to cook – experiment with different recipes and foods, cook for family and friends and make eating an enjoyable part of life.
* Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, junk foods, caffeine and alcohol, which are just empty calories.
* Aim to eat small, regular meals and snacks throughout the day – three main meals and three small snacks is ideal. This will keep blood-sugar levels balanced and reduce energy slumps, cravings and overeating. By Gillian Mckeith, The Daily Mail
Before the 1980s, Post-it Notes didn't exist. Now, they're everywhere.
The little yellow square of paper that could was the product of the imagination and determination of a pair of scientists, Arthur Fry and Spencer Silver, working at 3M. As with many famous inventions, the Post-it Note was an accident.
Fry and Silver didn't start as a tag team. In fact, one man's failure fed the other man's need.
Silver came up with the formula for the weak adhesive that is the backbone of the Post-it Note way back in 1968. But at the time, the glue didn't hold anything well enough, so Silver put the formula aside. However, a few years later, Fry heard about Silver's glue as part of a 3M work exchange program. Fry made the connection when he identified for the need of a paper marker to keep his place in his hymnal, while singing in the church choir. Fry and Silver got together and created a prototype, which became the world's first Post-it Note. It was canary yellow. The year was 1980.
The original Post-it Notes were 3-inch by 3-inch squares, in the familiar yellow. Soon after, demand for other sizes created a number of options. Today, the smallest size is .5 inch by 1.75 inch "ribbons," and the largest is an easel pad that measure 25 inches by 30.5 inches. 3M also makes Post-it Note-themed tabs, flags, and even pens.
Post-it Notes now come in 25 shapes and a full 62 colors. More than 150 countries sell them. Office workers around the world can't imagine what they did without the little sticky notes (which are a big hit in homes as well).
It's not just paper, either. Post-it Notes have become so familiar that they are the basis for public artworks, computer programs, and even pop songs.
In keeping with the times, 3M is introducing an environmentally friendly version, called the Post-it Greener Note. This version will be made from totally recycled paper, with the adhesive made from plant-based materials.
Fry and Silver have been extensively recognized for their work, including being recently inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. By:
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What was really the importance about it? Is it just a past worth remembering? or Is it just a normal happening that we all people will certainly bare with it? I was really wondering why? Though experience is self explainable subject but is it just about that?
What about try to go deep within you...reflect on it and ask yourself does experience makes you a better person rather make you bad? Why did I ask about that? 'Cause people tend to forget sometimes that life is a mere experience. It is were we came to be a better person.
Experience is simply happenings in the past that brought you to what you are in present. You could not simply be the way you wanted to without those experience. Asking why? Ask yourself! I could not give you a definite answer on that 'cause each of us has our own limitations and that exactly prohibit me to define experience for you!
Well anyway, no matter how many times you ask yourself what does it mean to you the important is you came to the point that you ask yourself 'cause it is were we can prove that experience is not just about self explanatory subject but its more than just about it!...So, I guess you have to savor each day you spent with whom you wanted too 'cause it might be last...nobody knows...Have a blessed day everyone!...c",)